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This site receives up to 300 page views a day and a large number of comments and anonymous tips. All communications are followed up or passed on confidentially to the press or whistleblower associations, if appropriate. Some (redacted) feedback is published here. Negative feedback about the site is always published.
Comment: Too scared to Talk
I was seriously bullied and mobbed by a number of consultants in the mid 2000's at Westmead hospital. This has had long term impact on my career and well-being ... [t]his sight was recommended to me by a UK doctor as Westmead is so notorious that the bullying is well known overseas.
[We support the many NHS Whistleblowers in the UK. WHW]
Many of the midwifery staff at Westmead are bullies and treat student midwives very poorly .... Procedures and assessment criteria are poorly documented and subject to personal preferences and arbitrary judgement.
Many of my fellow midwifery students have not been able to complete their degree and abandoned becoming a midwife ... due to the treatment they received at Westmead .... A total and tragic waste of human passion and intellect. Just do a survey of ....
[We will. WHW]
Westmead hospital has bad memories. Such a tyrant of a doctor to ruin your career that you loved and achieved so much in. I am sure no good comes to those people in the end!
Westmead 'Hospital Week' is a week where corporate sponsorship is used as a guise to support educational activities. This sponsorship is in breach of NSW Health sponsorship policy. Companies are often pressured to support this event financially and in other ways. If they dont support Hospital Week then they are threatened with losing access to key specialists. Stop the rort. Report it to the relevant authorities.
This is the most ridiculous site I've come across on the web. There was no whistleblowing..or "mobbing". However, thank you for the amusement! I'd feel so embarrassed to produce this..but I commend you on the the amount of time put in..
Medical registrars are treated badly at Westmead Hospital. I wouldn't recommend Westmead for training. The working conditions are poor. The [senior person] at Blacktown is incompetent and a bully.
[Thank you for your opinion. WHW]
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