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The Bottom Line: Whistleblowing is for the birds. Anonymous whistleblowing is the only sensible way forward.
Explanation: Nearly all stories about whistleblowers end sadly. Severe reprisals cause untold damage. Job loss, career loss, financial ruin, marriage breakdown, prison, exile, suicide, ill health and death. And the corrupt are whitewashed, promoted and honoured.
Whistleblowing must surely be done anonymously and with great care. The corrupt must be challenged, but it must be done as effectively as possible and without great cost to the whistleblower. If at all possible only blow the whistle anonymously. Take great care. Journalists have a very poor track record, but anonymous whistleblowing to a journalist is the best of all the poor options.
The Corollary: If a whistleblower has suffered greatly then the whistleblower's tormentor must be corrupt.
Our heart goes out to: All those who learned the truth above AFTER they blew the whistle personally (intentionally or accidentally while doing their job).
Anonymous whistleblowing. Not well covered elsewhere
Freedom of the Press page on Encryption (Anonymous Whistleblowing).
More Anonymous Whistleblowing
International Drop-box and local drop boxes
Julian Assange's Guide to Whistleblowing
31 ways to skin a whistleblower
The importance of not being seen
Whistleblowing is for the birds
Online Privacy and Wellbeing
Neither TOR nor any other technique will protect criminal activity
Making Contact Securely
Reprisals for whistleblowing include the behaviours of bullying and mobbing:
Tim Field's site. Start here for everything you need to know about bullying; you can also buy the book 'Bully in Sight', a very useful resource:
Leymann's original site explaining mobbing:
Kennith Westhues excellent site on Mobbing
Further information on mobbing by Westhues
An ebook by Dr Janice Harper on surviving mobbing; examining mobbing behavior in animals.
Mobbed! Surviving Adult Bullying and Mobbing
More about Mobbing by Westhues
Diane Peters writes: How to deal with Bullying at work.
Linda Shallcross's 2008 article on Workplace Bullying (Worklace Mobbing)
The Whistleblowers Australia Newsletter Jan 2012
Information for whistleblowers and journalists who interact with them
Steven Bolsin and Rita Pal speak out about whistleblowing in the UK
Public Concern at Work. UK Whistleblowing site. Let me know your experience with this site, please.
Bullying of teachers in Australia
Bullying of teachers in the NT. Naughty but funny disclosure of serious corruption
John Mc Philbin's site: Workplace Bullying - A Guide for Employees
Currently NOT updated.
Bullying at Newcastle University, Australia
Ozloop is NOT currently available.
Bullying in the Australian Public Service (Ozloop)
The links page on the Ozloop site
Women Whistleblowers
Whistleblowing and reprisals in Queensland Health
Whistleblower Australia: Bullying and Reprisals in NSW Health
Deborah Locke blew the whistle on corruption in NSW Police
Whistleblower protecting our old people
Workplace Bullying
Bullying vs Mobbing
Workplace Psychopaths explained
An insight into the psychology of bullying and mobbing from experimental datahttp://speakingoutaboutinjustice.weebly.com/
Anti-bullying Information nobullying.com
The Tarnow Mordi Scandal. Click here.patientcomplaintdhcftdotcom.wordpress.com/
Definition of Bullying (and Mobbing).
Videos about workplace bullying and mobbing
Helpful site if you are being bullied on social media and Bully Blast to stop social media bullies.
Whistleblowing in the National Health System, UK.
from Medical Harm
A Patient finds her complaint about her treatment in the NHS leads to reprisals and coverup. The NHS uses bogus expert witnesses like Dr Mike Drayton and Prof Daniel T Wilcox to blindside patients who complain. https://patientcomplaintdhcftdotcom.wordpress.com/
Whistleblower's Handbook (USA). Excellent advice on the practice of, and law on, whistleblowing in the US. Covers whistleblower protection too.
Brian Martin's Whistleblower's Handbook for whistleblowers outside the US. Download the whole manaual as a pdf.http://www.uow.edu.au/~bmartin/pubs/99wh.pdf
Other material by Brian Martin.
Surveillance protection and anonymity (EFF is a great site).
A paper on whistleblowing in the UK by Bolsin, Pal et al:
Speaking out about Injustice
The WikiLeaks site
Julian Assange's Guide for Whistleblowers
Worker's Compensation Benefits Guide (NSW). April 2013
Remember: Human Resources (HR) is not your friend
Tweeting guide for activists
Generally: Even if you or several others blow the whistle it often will not make the slightest difference. Regulators have a relationship, or are 'owned' by the corrupt. Unions and whistleblower groups do not have the finances to run cases in the courts - but do offer advice and support. Media is only interested in sensational cases. Take this Not for Profit organisation for example. You have to understand that nothing will change.
North West Disability Service (sic)
For Help
Contact Whistleblowers Australia For advice and support.
Fighting for Workers Comp? (Actually you are fighting HR, employer and employer's insurer). Try:
Injured workers support group. "Our Mission is to assist and support workers who have sustained work related injuries, illness and disabilities"
For Emergency information : (02) 9749 7566
A Workcover Victims 'Help' page. Post your question there.
Support for whistleblowers in Australia. Whistleblowers Australia.
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