The importance of not being seen - revisited
Do you remember the scene in the Monty Python Flying Circus film And Now for Something Completely Different where the importance of not being seen was demonstrated? Mrs B J Smegma cannot be seen. And while she is not seen she is safe. But as soon as she allows herself to be seen she is annihilated.
This demonstrates the importance of not being seen.
The same is true of whistleblowing. While you are anonymous (metaphorically unseen) you are safe. As soon as you are seen (that is: they find out who you are) they will make every effort to annihilate you.
This demonstraes the importance of being anonymous.
Examples are everywhere. Whenever one reads 'the ... document was made available to the ... newspaper' or 'an internal memo obtained by the ... news-service' then one is reading about a whistleblower who has the good sense to remain anonymous (not be seen).
A good example of whistleblowers that could not be seen are John Raines, his wife Bonnie Raines, Keith Forsyth and 5 other members of a team who broke into the FBI in Philadelphia and obtained 1,000 documents that proved the FBI was acting illegally. The FBI was infiltrating peaceful organisations with illegal surveillance and intimidation. The documents were leaked to the press resulting in a massive change in public awareness of deceit by the government.
The team was careful to leave no trace and have never breathed a word about the event to anyone until now 43 years later.
It is trite to say that to remain anonymous one must remain anonymous. But that is the truth of it. One cannot remain anonymous if one tells anyone about it. Remaining silent is the key.
Source and more info here.
It is trite to say that to remain anonymous one must remain anonymous. But that is the truth of it. One cannot remain anonymous if one tells anyone about it. Remaining silent is the key.
Source and more info here.
Here is an example of a whistleblower who cannot be seen: The memos obtained.
The moment the whistleblower stands up (metaphorically) and says 'I am the person who spoke out about the corruption' or 'incompetence' or even 'the criminal activity' then: Bang. They are toast. They are History. Thank you linesmen, thank you ball boys. All over.
There are famous examples like Manning and Snowden who accidentally or purposely got 'seen'. But most whistleblowers who didn't know the importance of 'not being seen' are not famous but are just like you and me and have been hounded till they lost their careers, their families or their health. It is an 'all of organisation' form of instinctual retribution called mobbing (the British say 'bullying').
If at all possible blow the whistle but remain anonymous. Do please Google 'anonymous whistleblowing' and 'anonymous blogging' for ideas and warnings. And remember the importance of not being seen (remaining anonymous).
First get copies of all the documents you need. No documents = you lose.
Anonymous blogging
Anonymous Whistleblowing
Anonymous Whistleblowing page on this site
More Anonymous Whistleblowing
International Drop-box and local drop boxes
31 ways to skin a whistleblower
The importance of not being seen
Whistleblowing is for the birds
Resources and Help
The moment the whistleblower stands up (metaphorically) and says 'I am the person who spoke out about the corruption' or 'incompetence' or even 'the criminal activity' then: Bang. They are toast. They are History. Thank you linesmen, thank you ball boys. All over.
There are famous examples like Manning and Snowden who accidentally or purposely got 'seen'. But most whistleblowers who didn't know the importance of 'not being seen' are not famous but are just like you and me and have been hounded till they lost their careers, their families or their health. It is an 'all of organisation' form of instinctual retribution called mobbing (the British say 'bullying').
If at all possible blow the whistle but remain anonymous. Do please Google 'anonymous whistleblowing' and 'anonymous blogging' for ideas and warnings. And remember the importance of not being seen (remaining anonymous).
First get copies of all the documents you need. No documents = you lose.
Anonymous blogging
Anonymous Whistleblowing
Anonymous Whistleblowing page on this site
More Anonymous Whistleblowing
International Drop-box and local drop boxes
31 ways to skin a whistleblower
The importance of not being seen
Whistleblowing is for the birds
Resources and Help