Widespread Medical Malpractice in Queensland
Ava Benny-Morrison reports in the Fraser Coast Chronicle that a WHISTLEBLOWER has raised serious questions over the credibility of a report into widespread medical malpractice in Queensland.
The parliamentary crime and misconduct committee released the report,
compiled by former judge Richard Chesterman QC, on Monday afternoon following
Queensland Health's Ethical Standards Unit member turned whistleblower Jo
Barber's allegations of gross and largely ignored medical malpractice with the
state health system.
Ms Barber, helped by former Burnett MP Rob Messenger - who also assisted
disgraced Dr Jayant Patel whistleblower Toni Hoffman - alleged more than 100
cases of misconduct.
Mr Messenger said on Monday night the report was a big slap in the face for
"It was always going to be a whitewash," he said.
"The whole process of the assessment has been shrouded in secrecy; it has
not been a transparent process at all.
Claims of malpractice involve 34 deaths on the Sunshine Coast, 37 doctors
who operated or treated patients for a year and a half at Bundaberg Hospital
without proper credentialing or privileging and a psychopathic Gold Coast doctor
currently under investigation for four deaths.
A GP and five nurses from the Sunshine Coast came forward with some of the
allegations, Mr Messenger said.
Ms Barber said the investigating health agency knew of a Toowoomba doctor
who sexually assaulted child patients on numerous occasions but did nothing
about it.
Both Ms Barber and Mr Messenger are calling for a Royal Commission into the
alleged malpractice so witnesses and whistleblowers will be able to give
evidence under oath and protection.
Health Minister Lawrence Springborg welcomed the report's recommendations
and said he agreed with the thrust of Mr Chesterman's suggestion that a legal
counsel review the various health agencies response to the complaints over the
past five years.
"I take particular note of the need for legal scrutiny of cases processed by
these agencies over the past five years and for a review of cases in which there
was a conflicting response by the agencies concerned," Mr Springborg said.
In Sydney New South Wales Bryan McKee Hata has been fighting Westmead Hospital for his job since being accused of writing some twenty letters blowing the whistle on serious concerns about Medical Care and Governance at Westmead Hospital and Western Sydney Local Health District. We do not know whether McKee Hata wrote the letters or not. But someone did, or up to twenty concerned staff did. Their concerns should be taken seriously.
If you believe that there should be a Royal Commission or Judicial Review of Westmead Hospital Medical Practice and Governance concerning the facts alleged in the letters said to have been written by McKee Hata and the Tarnow Mordi Scandal please write to your Member of Parliament and state your views.
The NSW Minister of Health the Hon. Gillian Skinner MP can be contactedat her Ministerial Office:
Mrs Jillian Skinner, MP
Level 31 Governor Macquarie Tower
1 Farrer Place SYDNEY NSW 2000
P (02) 9228 5229
F (02) 9228 5877
[email protected]
Your member of Parliament can be found by clicking here.
For more on Bryan McKee Hata click here.